Ann Aguirre

I see dead people. Okay, that’s a lie. I hear dead people—on an antique radio…
So far, that talent hasn’t brought Shannon Cheney fame or fortune. Since the world remains unaware that magick is real, being Gifted largely sucks. Her boss is an asshole, she makes minimum wage, and she’s got a serious case of forbidden lust for a sexy cop named Jesse Saldana. He’s part Mexican heat, all Texas charm, and enough of a dirty cowboy to curl her toes. Too bad he’s set on resisting her wiles.
To make matters worse, there’s this weird amnesia thing happening. She might think she’s going crazy, except Jesse’s got it too, and memory loss isn’t contagious like the flu. When Shannon pokes around, trying to put the missing pieces together, demonic retaliation is swift and potentially deadly. Jesse’s too much of a white knight to let her face danger alone, and she’s hoping he can’t resist the white-hot chemistry blazing between them…
This is a spin-off from the Corine Solomon series. In terms of continuity, this is 3.5 and it fits in between Shady Lady and Devil's Punch. It's written in first-person in Shannon's POV and it's hotter than the Corine series. "This novella definitely didn't disappoint. It was great seeing the world from Shannon's POV and getting to know her a little better. I especially loved her and Jesse and the evolution of their relationship. Their chemistry is super hot, more so than Jesse's chemistry with Corine had ever been. Shannon says the most hilarious, outrageous things to him in both awkward flirtation and seriously hot innuendos. I think I would enjoy a book filled with just them bantering back and forth before getting to lots and lots of the really good stuff. No other plot would be needed." --Paris Hansen @ Amazon “For those looking for a little taste of the Corine Solomon world to tide them over, FORBIDDEN FRUIT is a delicious treat well worth a read.” Julia @ All Things Urban Fantasy “This novella hit all the right buttons for me. It’s funny, it’s romantic, it’s sexy and it’s action-packed. FORBIDDEN FRUIT just may be one of my favorite novellas I’ve read this year.” Annie @ Under the Covers
Publisher | Ace |
Publishing date: | May 8, 2013 |